Picasa 2007-11-29, 游泳比賽
Pixnet 2007.11.29 - 醫競週游泳比賽
貼些我覺得照的不錯的照片(沒全貼 勿怪~)
Pitchers, like poets, are born not made. ~Cy Young
2007/11/24 16:30記者姜穎/台北報導
( e ) 少年易老學難成,一寸光陰不可輕。未覺池塘春草夢,階前梧葉已秋聲。[朱熹]
(A) 光陰跑得快,總是追不上,甘脆在池塘邊做夢好了。
(B) 梧桐樹真惱人,總是在秋天唱歌。
(C) 少年人應多嬉戲,否則容易衰老。
(D) 學問不好做,讓它輕輕過。
(E) 勸君要及時努力,免將來後悔不已。
( a ) 張忠謀回憶其上學的時候。有一天在家功課未做,而在看報紙。老爸說:「為何不做功課?」答:「看報紙也可獲得知識?!」老爸說:
(A) 你是在做不負責任的學習
(B) 有沒有好消息?
(C) 看報紙可增加新知識
(D) 看報紙可得到課堂上沒有的知識
(E) 看報紙可緩解緊張的心情
( e ) We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. [Aristotle 322 BC]
(A) 雷大雨小,不會釀水災
(B) 雨不停的下,才有成災的可能。
(C) 好習慣靠培養,習慣成自然,日久成卓越。
(D) 我們並非天生具有美德或卓越,而是我們不斷的「做對」所致。
(E) 以上皆對
( h ) The 7 habits of highly effective people include the following except _____. (Steven Covey 1985)
(A) Be proactive
(B) Begin with the end in mind
(C) Put first things first
(D) Think win/win
(E) Seek first to understand then to be understood
(F) Synergize
(G) Sharpen the saw
(H) Deny responsibility
印度加爾各答兒童之家 希舒巴滿 的牆上寫著顏色斑剝的幾段詩句:
( a ) 您今天所學的,明天可能就會忘記,不管怎樣,
(A) 總是要努力學
(B) 不要學了,反正明天就忘了
(C) 回家睡覺就對了
(D) 晚上打麻將,白天來學校睡覺,一樣能畢業
(E) 陪朋友去玩最對了
( d ) 我想要成功,應
(A) 只做我喜歡的事
(B) 拉關係
(C) 套交情
(D) 做現在該做的事:用功讀書和保守自己的崗住
(E) 向老師哀求劃重點和提示
( e ) 請問沒空的原因
(A) 猶豫
(B) 太求完美
(C) 怕苦
(D) 不能戰勝自己
(E) 以上皆是
( e ) 請問成功秘訣
(A) 有錢
(B) 有勢
(C) 拉關係
(D) 套交情
(E) 比人更努力
( e ) 易經恆卦。象曰:雷風恆,君子以立不易方。
(A) 打雷刮風不停,君子不可亂跑。
(B) 打雷又刮風,君子應在方圓之內,以測安全。
(C) 雷大風強,應直立其中,才是君子。
(D) 雷風有恆,君子應站立,不改變方向。
(E) 雷風相薄,君子效其象,立志如雷,力行如風,不隨意改變其志。
( e ) Professor Deal道:「醫學不僅是科學〈因為需要做研究〉,也是一種藝術〈良好的醫病關係〉,更是一種專業,必須每日24小時皆要對病人負責」。下列行為,何者有損醫師之專業形象?
(A) 在診間看報紙
(B) 一面給病人打針,一面問協助的護理師:「你看過色,戒了沒?好好看喲!」
(C) 一面給病人換藥,一面對幫忙的護理師說:「中午便當要訂那家的,都快吃膩了。」
(D) 在護理站上網瀏覽娛樂網站
(E) 以上皆是
There are different types of angina. The two major types are Variant angina pectoris and Microvascular angina.
Variant angina is a rare form of angina that is caused by coronary spasms (vasospasm). The coronary spasm contracts the muscles in the wall of an artery in the heart making the artery constrict. When the artery constricts, blood flow through the artery is either stopped or slowed. When this occurs, the heart does not get enough blood. Variant angina may happen in patients who also have severe atherosclerosis in at least one major vessel. Unlike typical angina, variant angina usually occurs during times of rest. Variant anginal attacks are often very painful, and the attacks happen more often between midnight and 8 in the morning. Usually the attacks happen at the same time each day.
Coronary artery spasm may occur from many different stimulants. Its may occur spontaneously or it may be caused by exposure to cold, emotional stress, or vaso-constricting medications. Cocaine use will increase the chances of having angina. The chance of an anginal attack increase because cocaine can cause severe spasm of the arteries while at the same time increasing the energy requirements of the heart.
Patients with variant angina have a greater risk for heart attack, an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), and even sudden death. Those who survive a heart attack usually stabilize. Many patients who suffer from angina find that the symptoms and events of variant angina slowly go away.
Microvascular angina is a recently discovered type of angina. Patients suffering from microvascular angina have chest pain but do not seem to have a blockage in a coronary artery. The pain in the chest is because the tiny blood vessels that feed the heart, arms, and legs are not working properly. Generally, patients cope well with this type of angina and have very few long-term side effects.